The Power of Assumption
by Lance Olimb
Assumptions are generally unwise. Situations and people can surprise you. Not only can assumptions leave you unprepared but they can often be completely disrespectful. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover! We all know this. Precisely because we know this, what I’m about to say may surprise you.
The Bible teaches us to assume. Assume. Assume. Assume. In fact, one of the most impactful tools of evangelism is the power of assumption. What do I mean by this? How can it possibly be true? Here is one example of what I mean.
Romans 1:19–20 (ESV) — For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.
When you encounter the most hardened, ardent atheist, you can (must!) assume something. This person, scripture says, knows God exists. Because they’ve been created with a soul they have an innate longing for the eternal creator. That truth may be suppressed, hidden, reasoned away and rejected but it is there. More than simply acknowledging God exists, we ought to assume that this person was designed to find their greatest fulfillment, highest joys, and ultimate purpose in glorifying God, forever. When you are praying for them, talking with them, listening to them… you are working with them for their good. Whether they admit it or not!
I do not believe we will ever be very successful in evangelism if we don’t employ these kind of assumptions. A further assumption we hold is the power of the gospel. We assume that God saves through the message of Jesus Christ. He is able. God is drawing the people of Talahassee all around us to find hope and life and purpose in allegiance to Jesus. That is what He is doing. It is the truth that gives us confidence to gather and teach and pray.
It also gives us confidence to host events like the one at Midtown on Sunday night. At 6:00pm Sunday night we will gather to explore a fundamental question people might have, “Does Christianity Make Sense?” Seminary graduate, PHD philosophy student, and current Midtowner, Paul Rezkalla, will present a case for the truth of Christianity. Our hope is that you will invite your neighbors, co-workers, and friends to consider our faith. Even if you don’t have someone to invite, we believe you will be equipped to better communicate the gospel in the future.
We are assuming that God desires to save lost souls. We are assuming the gospel has power. Will you join us in that assumption? In praying? In attendance on Sunday night?