Four Oaks began as a Bible study in a small Tallahassee apartment 1990. Nearly three decades later, the vision that birthed the church continues to form and fuel us: the good news of Jesus changes everything.
Our journey together has gathered us in homes, storefronts, warehouses, cafeterias, and rented auditoriums as we’ve sought to learn the ways of Jesus Christ together. We now exist in three unified, interdependent congregations throughout Tallahassee. Convinced that vibrant local congregations are critical to the faith of believers and the flourishing of a city, Four Oaks exists to treasure, grow, and go in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Fulfilling this mission requires models and methods. Fundamentally, Four Oaks has chosen the the model and method of being a multi-congregational church because it’s our firm conviction that our congregations are better together.
While there are various neighborhood expressions of Four Oaks (Killearn, Midtown, East, South), there’s also what’s called Four Oaks Central. Four Oaks Central serves to support and enhance the ministries of the various Four Oaks congregations as they seek to contextualize the gospel in their own local neighborhoods of Tallahassee.