A Pastor's View
By Josh Hughes
I had a grizzled old pastor tell me early on in my ministry journey that church leadership is really hard, “but you can’t beat the view.” In 10-ish years of ministry I’ve seen him proved right over and over again. One of the greatest earthly joys of my work as a pastor is the “preferred seating” I have for God’s work in and through his people. I thought in this week’s edition of the Weekly I’d give you a quick glance of the church from my point of view.
This week I heard the story of a woman in our church who became a Christian through the kind, patient witness of another woman who is a member here. This member invited her to church, answered her questions, and was a faithful presence in her life and got to pray with her to receive Christ a few months ago. I heard of multiple folks who travelled to Gainesville to visit, pray over, and minister to a brother recovering from major surgery at Shands hospital. I heard the story of a girl in Belfast, Ireland who became a Christian through the work of one of our gospel partners. I got to counsel and pray with a couple in our church who are pursuing adoption.
All that, and it’s only Wednesday. What a church you are! What a Savior he is!
I’m praying you would have eyes to see Jesus at work today, and that you may have the strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.