The Two-Service Family
By Scott Stake
On a recent Sunday morning, Pastor Rob gave a grace-filled exhortation for us all to consider being a two-service family this upcoming season. Rather than coming to simply receive, he encouraged us to also give as well—to use our time, gifts, and resources to build into the body of Christ by serving in one of many wonderful ministries on Sunday mornings (hospitality, 4Oaks Kids, 4Oaks Students, coffee or communion set-up, A/V, worship, etc.).
Like the Pifers and many others, we are happy to be one of those two-service families! While it has required discipline, sacrifice, and lots of patience getting little kids ready through the years, we've experienced many gracious gifts from the Lord through it. So I thought I'd let our family share a little bit about why it's been such a blessing for us as a way to encourage you to consider it as well.
Why do you like being a two-service family?
Ruth Ann (6) - I like seeing all my friends. I also like helping and being with Mommy.
Josiah (8) - I like getting to play with my friends in class and hear the sermon. I also like giving Mr. David Hughes a big hug when we arrive in the lobby every Sunday morning!
Hannah (11) - I like having my social time with my friends in Sunday school and hearing a lesson that's relevant to me and then a deeper teaching in the sermon. I also like serving during the summer with the preschoolers. It makes me feel good helping others!
Abigail (14) - I like beginning and ending the day with God. I like helping Mom set up the classrooms, loving on the kids in Sunday school (getting hugs from the kids is one of the highlights of my week!), singing and hearing the sermon, and then closing out the day with our community group. I also really enjoy being at both services because I get to see all of my friends instead of just some of them!
Julia (25?) - We really get the best of both worlds. Our children get to see their friends in Sunday school, but they also get to worship corporately with their parents. In addition, they get to see that the Christian life is about giving and receiving, investing and being invested in. Plus, I really love the opportunity to interact with more people by being at both services. This is my Four Oaks family, and I want to spend as much time with them as I can!
So, there ya go! If you'd like to be a two-service family with us and many other Four Oaks families, we'd love to have you! Or, if you can’t be a two-service family right now but still want to serve, there are lots of opportunities during the week as well (Good News Club—there’s an interest meeting this Sunday during 1st service in Gallery 14, 4Oaks Students, Living Harvest Food Bank, Handyman Team, special events, etc.). To express your interest, please contact a staff member or deacon or complete the service interest form here.
Serving together,
Pastor Scott