A Pro-Life Way of Life

By Jamie Brown, Executive Director, A Women’s Pregnancy Center

Are you pro-life or are you pro-choice?

Forty six years ago in one of its most controversial decisions, the United States Supreme Court legalized abortion on demand in the infamous Roe v. Wade case. In 1984 President Ronald Reagan issued a proclamation that designated January 22nd as National Sanctity of Human Life Day and thereafter would be recognized on the closest Sunday to that date.

Since Roe V. Wade, we have lost nearly 61 million innocent babies to abortion!

Abortion continues to be one of the most divisive issues facing our country.

“As believers,” Christy Britton writes for True Woman, “we consider ourselves to be pro-life. To be content with the murder of lives forming inside the womb is unimaginable. But being pro-life is more than being anti-abortion… Being pro-life must be a way of life.”

So the fundamental question becomes: Is pro-life a way of life for you and for me?

To be pro-life means to value the life inside the womb even at a cost to ourselves. The moms we see every day at A Women’s Pregnancy Center struggle with this question. Our culture tells them that their lives, their future, their plans can trump the value of the life growing inside of them. But Jesus calls us to live differently.

“The pro-life ethic doesn’t allow us to see the vulnerable as burdens,” Britton writes, “it requires we see them as image bearers of a holy God. Being pro-life means championing, celebrating, and fighting for life. It means valuing all human life, particularly the lives of the vulnerable who need our protection.”

Being pro-life is so much more than valuing the unborn. (2).jpg

Being pro-life is so much more than valuing the unborn. It’s also caring for those with special needs, orphans and children in foster care, those caught up in sex trafficking. It’s honoring life from conception to a natural death. “People are vulnerable because of many different reasons,” Britton explains, “including age, race, disease, disability, imprisonment, and poverty. Pro-lifers don’t see these people as burdens; we see them as bearers of God’s image and therefore valuable. We care for them while honoring their inherent dignity. We value the vulnerable not because of what they can do but because of whose they are.”

How as Christians can we compassionately respond?

  • Pray for the unborn and the moms and dads who are at risk to choose abortion.

  • Pray for our three local pregnancy resource centers as well as those in our surrounding communities.

  • Support these centers with your time, gifts, and talents (there is something for everyone to do).

  • Come alongside a single mother who may be struggling

If the Lord is pricking your heart to explore deeper what your involvement should be, please call me at the center at (850) 297-1174.

Together… changing hearts and saving lives,

Jamie Brown

Executive Director

A Women’s Pregnancy Center

I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live, Deuteronomy 30:19

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