by Pastor Lance Olimb
Thank you for serving and praying and communing together as a church. It has been an encouraging start to 2015. Let me run down a few things that have been edifying my soul and perhaps, just maybe, it will be a help to you as well.
First, we had a tremendously unifying time as a group of elders last weekend. We focused on unity, humility, and affirmation, as well as taking a close look at how we govern, communicate and care for the church. There are governing and institutional realities to any organization, but somehow these times together as men never lose spiritual significance. It is a joy to serve the church in this way.
Second, we are about to welcome a bunch of folks into membership in the church. Over the next few weeks, over 20 people will commit to Four Oaks, which will be an opportunity for all of us to consider our connection to this local body of believers. At both campuses you’ll have the opportunity to receive and welcome those God is adding to us. As you meet these people and hear their membership commitments, pray that God would stir in you a love and gifting to build up the brothers and sisters around you.
Third, we started a modest little prayer meeting at the Midtown campus. Sometimes the most rewarding things are the most simple. We are a church. Arranged and growing under the Word of God. So, of course, it is a pleasant and good thing to join together with no agenda except to read scripture and pray the promises of God back to Him. We are using this month as an experiment of sorts, but the goal is to provide at least two connection points a month for members of both Four Oaks campuses to meet for prayer. Look for solidified dates and times soon, and then make a point to join us at the Midtown campus.
Beyond that abbreviated list, there is the consistent fruitfulness of many other ministries and events. Take a few moments to scroll down through this note. What is represented here is just a small part of how we are attempting to make disciples at Four Oaks. We hope you are growing and connecting and finding ways to serve.
Grateful to be a part of this church,
Lance, for the pastors