Summer of Opportunity
by Scott Stake
A couple of weeks ago, I was really stirred up by Pastor Paul’s exhortation calling us to make the most of our summer. But what does it look like for Jesus Christ to be “the refreshing center of summer?” This is a thought I’ve been mulling over in my mind and heart. And while each of our applications will probably look a little different, here are a few opportunities the summer presents for us to enjoy.
Summer: An Opportunity to Sabbath
Summer is first an invitation from Jesus to rest in Him—to find our joy, our peace, and our satisfaction in Him. Are you feeling tired? Are you having a hard time connecting with the Lord? If that’s you, Jesus invites us to come to Him when we’re weary and heavy laden, and He will give us rest (Matthew 11:28).
Summer is an opportunity for me and my family to re-focus and re-prioritize our times with Jesus, to enjoy His creation, and to be refreshed physically, emotionally, and spiritually—it’s what the Bible often calls “Sabbath Rest.” In addition, Sabbath rest gives us a picture of heaven and creates longing within our hearts for this to last forever! A.R. Fausset says it like this:
“The day of rest is indeed an emblem of eternal rest! During our lifespan on earth, we celebrate the Sabbath and realize only partially what Sabbath-rest entails. In the life to come, we shall fully experience God’s rest, for then we will have entered a rest that is eternal.”
Wow, what a great invitation for us! May we this summer seek true rest in God and gain an ever-deepening taste for Him and our perfect home in heaven even as we remain here on earth.
Summer: An Opportunity to Serve
I’m not sure about you, but the busyness and schedule demands of the school year often seem to crowd out my time for others—to listen, to relate, to hang out, and to serve. However, summer provides new rhythms, where my family and I can better focus on relationships with neighbors, look for ways to serve in the church or community, and even go on mission trips. Summer is definitely a great opportunity to serve!
If you’re looking for particular ways to serve this summer, consider the following:
Serve in 4Oaks Kids on Sundays—a great chance for the whole family to get involved!
Serve as a counselor on a 4Oaks Students Summer Trip or Camp.
Serve international refugees in Atlanta. We’ll have an info meeting on Sunday, June 12, during 1st service at Killearn to discuss this exciting opportunity!
Serve a family in our church who is moving this weekend! Contact Chris (850-461-2717) for details.
Help us prepare for Maple Street Biscuit Company on one of our Demolition Days (June 4 & June 11). Sign up here.
Summer: An Opportunity to Send
Over the next few months, we have the amazing privilege of hosting, supporting, and sending several gospel partners to various countries. As the Apostle John commends us, we want to “send them on their journey in a manner worthy of God. For they have gone out for the sake of the name…Therefore we ought to support people like these, that we may be fellow workers for the truth” (3 John 6-8).
Please mark your calendars for the following events where both campuses are welcome to enjoy potluck together and then hear our partners share stories, give updates on ministry & prayer needs, and grow their support team. Childcare will be provided for nursery & preschoolers.
- An Evening in China—Sunday, June 26, 5:30pm at Killearn
- An Evening in Thailand—Sunday, July 24, 5:30pm at Killearn
- An Evening in Nepal & Uganda—dates are TBA
So, as we get ready for the summer, let's take advantage of these opportunities to sabbath, serve, and send.