Packing the Gospel in a Shoebox


By Shonda Wilber

Temperatures outside were pushing 90 last week, but Christmas is in the air now!  What?!  Yes!  It's time for Operation Christmas Child!  Last week we began our collective ministry of sending shoebox gifts and the Gospel to children around the world with Samaritan's Purse.  The amazing and impacting journey of a simple shoebox packed with gifts begins with YOU, here in hot and humid midtown Tallahassee.  The journey continues and takes root in more than 100 countries where kids in need are given the momentary yet tangible shoebox gift, followed by the offering of the eternal and life saving gift of Jesus Christ.  These small gifts change lives and communities.  Who wants to be a part of this?!  (Show of hands?)  Here's what you can do:

  • Pack a Shoebox: Preprinted, ready to fill boxes will be available for you to pick up this Sunday.  Pack your box with your family, friends, neighbors or community group.  Boxes will be collected through November 19th.
  • Volunteer: Helpers are needed to load vehicles with the shoeboxes after collection has been completed as well as take the gifts to the collection site.  You can also serve at the collection site where shoeboxes are inspected and prepared for international shipping. 
  • Pray: Pray for the Kingdom impact of this ministry, for the children receiving the gifts and the Truth, for their families and communities and the thousands of volunteers that are doing the work. 

I'm very privileged to be a Project Leader at our church for Operation Christmas Child this year!  I will have shoeboxes, more information and volunteer sign ups at a table out front of the church this Sunday. And not to worry... the high is "only" 86... very conducive Christmas climate! Let's spread some Good News and Great Joy!

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